FILMS 2024
Black Butterflies
Climate change has impacted the lives of Tanit, Valeria and Shaila, three women from very different parts of the world, but with something in common: they have lost everything due to the effects of global warming and are forced to migrate. This film tells their stories, their struggle to not disappear even though their place of origin no longer exists. Lives that, like those of thousands of people who suffer the consequences of global warming, deserve to be told.
El canvi climàtic impacta en les vides de Tanit, Valeria i Shaila, tres dones de punts molt diferents del planeta, però amb una cosa en comú: totes tres ho perden tot pels efectes de l’escalfament global i es veuen forçades a migrar. Aquesta pel·lícula narra les seves històries, la seva lluita per no desaparèixer malgrat que el seu lloc d’origen ja no existeixi. Vides que, com les de milers de persones que pateixen les conseqüències de l’escalfament global, mereixen ser explicades.
Memoir of a Snail
The director of the emotional Mary and Max (2009) returns with a new stop-motion film that delivers equal parts of creativity, humor and tears. Grace Pudell, with a passion for snail figurines and romance novels, faces tragedy when she is separated from her twin brother, Gilbert, following the death of their parents. Devastated by life’s blows, she is presented with an opportunity to be happy again when she meets an eccentric old lady.
In Borneo, near a tropical forest, Kéria takes in a baby orangutan on the plantation where her father works. At the same time, Selaï, her cousin, takes refuge with them to escape the conflict between his nomadic family and the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï and a baby monkey named Oshi will face all obstacles to fight against the destruction of the forest.
Black Butterflies
Climate change has impacted the lives of Tanit, Valeria and Shaila, three women from very different parts of the world, but with something in common: they have lost everything due to the effects of global warming and are forced to migrate. This film tells their stories, their struggle to not disappear even though their place of origin no longer exists. Lives that, like those of thousands of people who suffer the consequences of global warming, deserve to be told.
El canvi climàtic impacta en les vides de Tanit, Valeria i Shaila, tres dones de punts molt diferents del planeta, però amb una cosa en comú: totes tres ho perden tot pels efectes de l’escalfament global i es veuen forçades a migrar. Aquesta pel·lícula narra les seves històries, la seva lluita per no desaparèixer malgrat que el seu lloc d’origen ja no existeixi. Vides que, com les de milers de persones que pateixen les conseqüències de l’escalfament global, mereixen ser explicades.
Memoir of a Snail
The director of the emotional Mary and Max (2009) returns with a new stop-motion film that delivers equal parts of creativity, humor and tears. Grace Pudell, with a passion for snail figurines and romance novels, faces tragedy when she is separated from her twin brother, Gilbert, following the death of their parents. Devastated by life’s blows, she is presented with an opportunity to be happy again when she meets an eccentric old lady.
In Borneo, near a tropical forest, Kéria takes in a baby orangutan on the plantation where her father works. At the same time, Selaï, her cousin, takes refuge with them to escape the conflict between his nomadic family and the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï and a baby monkey named Oshi will face all obstacles to fight against the destruction of the forest.